Monday, February 12, 2007

The Difference

What's the difference
between being happy and being sad ?
A mere curve of the lips,
or a wish that could not be had ?

Does a kind word separate them,
or a beating heart ?
Could it be love
or the mere mention of a treacle tart ?

I laugh, I smile,
I make fun of the moments that tick by
Then why am I thankful
as each moment passes safely by ?

Is the curve on my face
the wrong way round ?
Or is it just the world that I look at,
upside down ?

Putting thoughts into words,
trying to think,
is like trying to channel the pacific,
through my kitchen sink.

My thoughts today
are a living dream,
of what my life has become,
no soul, no cream.

1 Response to The Difference

Saturday, 02 January, 2010

thoughts...well crafted with words.